phonics 的foundation层次:1.phonics skill
2.main course 3.readers
phonics 的foundation层次:1.phonics skill
2.main course 3.readers
a song: I say you say
teaching young
一 介绍自己,互相问候,热身
Phonics :the relationship between sounds and letters teach Ss the skills
alphobet millions (百万)
raise your hands wide foundation
How we start is important!
Right ditection
Learning English is a long journey!
Be more efficient (高效的)! effective educational
entertaining (愉快的) Excellent!
1.can you all see me ?
can you all hear me ?
can you all understand me ?
have you got it ?
a little difficult
one two ,blow
Is my face red ?follow me with the action many of you have learnt 音标?
phonics:自然拼音法 demo teaching
more words and sentecces it is a little 费劲
stuff english .it can not take more most ss give up to learn English ?
this is a shoutcut
good foundation
beginning point
what is phonics ? it is a skill
practice makes perfect
natural way of learning
the red figure
4.five goals: eficient effective engaging educational entertaining for you ss
manipulate sounds
this is how your ss feel in your class .
funny ,but it is not funny .
5.a test : show how letters combnet to make words
teachet blendsf and word families
teach diphthongs and digraphs
move into reading and writing
are you sure you are always with me ?
phonics :reading . listening speaking writing