A2 Key 教学能力提升课程
价格 ¥ 1099.00



词语接龙 让学生话语 越说越长 I saw a bird.  I  saw a bird flying in the sky. ...


写作动词 丰富变化 不要一个动词到底  



对学生进行提问  而不是直接 告知 

What do they mean? 

What can you find them? 





阅读+写作 1小时

听力          30分钟



understand real-word messages

Read and choose the correct word

Read and choose the correct answer

Choose the correct words to complete a text.


write a message, e.g. a not or email.

write a short story.



7大题 32小题 2个写作


考试题型the task

Part1-six short emails, notices, sign, or text messages. (Choose which sentence matches the meaning of the email, notice, sign or text message.)


Part2-multiple matching -训练技巧fast Reading(skimming or scanning)

seven questions and then three short texts on the same topic.

Match each question to one of the texts.

Part3-multiple choice-longer text simplified newspaper or magazine article

Part4-multiple-choice cloze

Short text with six numbered spaces.

Decide which of the three words provided belongs in each gap.

Part5-open cloze

shopt and simple

考察:six gaps in a text or texts using single words 

Spelling must be correct

Writing part6-guided writing

the task: write a message of 25 words or more, for example a note or email.

考察:For Emial-Writing

learners should write to pen friends or "e-pals"regularly.

learners should read and notice the organization of emails, including typical language and phrases used for opening and closing an email.

Writing Part7-picture story新增

the task: write a short story of 35 words or more based on three picture prompts.

For Story-Writing:

learner should plan and write short stories regularly, both at home and in class.

learners should also read short stories, for example simplified readers in English. They can use these to identify how stories start, develp and end.


(3)listening 30minutes-approximately

candidates need to:

listen for important information in short and long conversations and monologues.

listen and write down important imformation and spell words correctly.

listen for the main idea or message in short monologues or conversations.

听力由5个部分 25道题 20分

Part1-multiple choice

the task: 5 short recordings choose the visual image which best answers the question.

Part2-gap fill-a monologue

the task: identify specific information(for example prices, times, telephone numbers) and write it down in note form.


Part3-mutiple choice

The task: listen to an informal conversation and answer five

3-option multiple-choice questions

This task includes questions on the opinions and attitudes of the speakers.

Part4-multiple choice新增

listen to five short monologues or diaglogues, each with a scene setter, a question and three options.

Understand the main idea, gist or topic of each recording.


The task: This part lests understanding of detailed information.

(4)Speaking 8-10minutes

Candidates need to:

answer questions about yourself.

discuss a topic with your partner, using pictures to help you.

talk about likes and dislikes, giving reasons.



the task:3-4minutes-introductory phase

Respond to questions, giving factual or personal information.

Watch a video(Luca/Federica)

Part2-discussion 新增

The task: 5-6 minutes-Collaborative task

Candidates discuss likes and dislikes and give reasons.


Grammar and Vocabulary 0-5

Pronounciation 0-5

Interactive Communication 0-5





























