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settle down , everybody .

we will wait for silence before we can begin


clear everything of your desk except your books, books closed and eyes front  

what's going on over there ?David,close your book 

pencils erasers in your bag please 



Classroom English .

when i call your name ,I want you to listen ,when you hear your name ,you raise your hand and say here 

ok , here we go 

you need to say :

you should say :

I hape you are feeling better now .

I am going to call the roll 

Are yu feeling better ?just remember ,to take it easy in the class ,if you are not  feeling well , just put y0ur head on your hand like and take a rest 

everyone is here except John , now let begin our class .



How about everyone else?

Did you do something interseting like Winter?

Yes,What did you do?

A movie?What movie did you see?


247381 · 2020-02-13 · Greetings 0

Class introduction

i would like to get me know you better

can you tell me something 

you can tell me your name 

what you like /don'like

what you can do /can't do

what is your favourite thing?

anything about yourself you can tell me

let's me begin, my name is craig, i am 45 years old.

i like to go hiking in  the mountains

i also like to do water sports

don't like eating spicy food

i am good at computers

but i am not good at maths.


got it?can youdo it?

ok, now it is your turn, i will point to you an say tell me about yourself.

tell us your name an dhow old you are, and something interesting about youself.

here we go!

hi, jason, tell us something interesting abput yourself and stand up.

students answer

teache repeats students' sentence again and give some praise.


Ok, boys and girls, now we know a little bit better about each other. i want you to tell me about your friends.

ask students to retell their classmates.

(use a ball to play games! catch ball)

do you still remember sth about me?

Get to know each other

Hello, boys and girls. now we are all new students in the class,i want to us to get to know each other a little better. so we are going to do an activity. i want to you to work in pairs, i will give you one minute to talk with your friend, and tell your friend about yourself and some interesting things. After one minute, i will say "change", and then your friend will you about herself. so first minute, you tell your freind, and i say change, your friend tells you.

Ater that, i will ask you to tell me about yourself. ok?  Do you all understand what to do? yes, you have one minute, so studens on the left are the students A. you begin. when i say change, students on the right tell students on the left about yourselves.

Are you ready?here we go. go! begin!

time for studens to practise

right,everybody,well done

it is good to hear you speaking lots of English.

Now, here i have a microphone. when i give you the microphone, i wnat to you tell us all about your friends. ok?

Jason, your are first?

students say something about thier friends.

who's turn? it is lily now

one more person, goes to fiana.

boys and girls, do you know more about your friends now? good, well done.





checking the homework 


you need to see me after the class, ask for the reason, you do not understand it or you forgot it?

very neat










Boys and Girls,

I would like to know you a little better. SO can you tell me sth about yourself? U can tell me what you like, what you dislike, what you can do, what you can't do... Anything about yourself. OK?


Let me begin. My name is Craig. I like to go hiking and water sports. But I don't like XX


throw a ball to intrigue the interest of every student



Month of the year.


35569e · 2020-02-02 · Reviewing 0

sing a song Hi-Hello song.



Taking attendance

Name, is ... here?

call the roll.





How are you today?

What day is it today?

How is the weather today?

Are you cold today?

How is everything?

Did you do something interesting on the weekend?

What is your favorite animal?

What the date is today?

35569e · 2020-02-02 · Greetings 0