价格 免费

Sentence or fragment

1. On the green field

2. Grace plays football

3. Mrs Star's daughter, Susie

4. I have a toy house

5. School starts at 7:00

6. Pizza instead of hamburgers

7. He siad, "Hello"

8. He drives a car.


1. Tell the difference

2. show examples

3. do exercise

4. check answers


dictation recorder

  • Introduce the rule
    • pause: If you say 'pause', I'll stop reading
    • back words: say the sentence again
    • forword: continue
    • stop: when you completely understand the paragraph
  • Do the dicatation
  • Peer check
    • with your partner
    • 屏幕给出答案
  • Introduce the rule
    • pair dictation
    • 每组得到一份材料,one person will be A, one person will be B. you will going to read out the paragraphs
    • 同一份材料,空缺的单词不同。每次多读一个词,另一组将填充空缺的单词,重复直道完成整份材料
  • pre-teach key words
  • Do pair dictation
  • Look and check
  • introduce the sentence train
  • Elict to put sentences in order
  • copy
  • draw concludion


  • 可以在阅读时或讲解故事时,用这样的方式来给文本进行排序

 fragments are parts of sentences

  • Tell the difference
  • show examples
  • Do exercise
  • check anwsers
  1. 区分是sentence/fragment
    1. (what) on the green field-fragment
      1. doesn't have subject主语
    2. Grace plays football-fragment
      1. doesn't have predicate谓语




